Amazing photography from Michal Sur - thanks!

Saturday 28 August 2010

12. Does attitude make you paddle faster?

School has started again and blog posting has taken second place to teaching, but I thought that this one should go live. With less than two weeks to go before the Brave Duo start paddling, the pile of gear in the spare room is getting sorted, sponsor money is rolling in and Eleanor goes around in her sveldt Helly Hanson gear looking like a young Lara Croft.

Also I need to give a big thank you to the pupils of P5-7 at Keills Primary School, (where I teach), who politely pointed out to me that we could take a tour of the Great Glen using Google maps - brilliant idea guys. They also informed me that Loch Ness is nearly 227m deep, (that's about 750 feet) - how comforting.

1 comment:

  1. Loving your blogs Sally and looking forward to following you all on your big adventure next week. GOOD LUCK! xxx
